Saturday, April 26, 2008

Take the Lead..

Its Saturday night, and for us thats a party night. Us includes.. Mr.J, Miss.S & myself.

Most of the times its just the three of us. But tonight is different... "us" are being joined

by Mr & Mrs S, and my brother, Neel. Not only its different cuz we are now six, than the

usual three, we are going bowling, which we have never done before. Our plan used to

be pretty simple movie followed by a disc or a pub. Spinn, like we all agree to, is the

ever reliable place to go have fun... great music, beautiful people and liquor !

So...Mr.J, Miss.S, Neel and myself reach the bowling alley, Mr & Mrs. S are late, stuck

in traffic. Mr.J aint to eager about this change of our weekend plan. He, wants to dance.

To cut a long story short, i have never seen anyone bowl as quick as he did. Even before

the first ball hit the pins and knock 'em over, Mr. J runs back to grab the next available

ball, never mind even if his fingers dont get into the holes, turns around in one swift motion,

(He is already dancing if you ask me), swings his arms and releases the ball..nah... throws it

as hard and fast as he can...He is in and out in less that 30 secs..believe me. And how many

pins does he manage to knock over, one... just one, that too on the first throw. On the

second throw, he manages precisely to glide the huge ball into the tiny gap he created before.

...and he is consistent !! He wants to get out of here and into Spinn as fast as he can..

Neel and myself, we love bowling, so we are pretty good in terms of not wasting time.Then

there is the sweet little Miss.S... yea i mean those words..sweet and little..literally. The lightest

of balls, is way to heavy for her. Miss.S stands just behind the bowling line, swings her arm back

and forth, back and forth, back and forth, just like a pedulum ticking. And with every tick, Mr.J's

anxiety and eagerness to get over this game and move is ever increasing. Miss.S releases the ball.

With her, it seems like the ball has decided that it wont stay on course and must go into the gutter.

And the one time the ball went straight, it was so slow, we didnt think it would reach the pins..just

stay putt in the middle of the lane. It kept rolling and rolling.. seemed like eternity to Mr.J. But it

did complete its long journey to the pins and thankfully knocked of couple of them.

Mr & Mrs.S, they were having a ball of a time. Mrs.S sweetly cheering on Mr.S.

All through this Mr.J never lost his focus, Spinn. He made sure we finished as soon as possible.

He took the lead in that department. Once the last ball was released from the bowlers arm,

we waited just enuf to have glimpse of it knocking over a few pins..we were already walking towards

the exit.

So we sit my car, all six of us, hoping not to get caught by a cop and head towards Spinn. Mr.J

is all excited... so excited, he wanted me to drive even before everyone had got in.

And then...we enter heaven... "us".. just love this place. Mr.J is the happiest man right now.

First thing we do, hit the bar...order our drinks and let the music sink in. With the kind of music

that they play here, you cant help but dance. Now, I couldnt even dance to safe my life.

If Gabbar Singh had my girlfriend tied up and threatened me to dance, and if i did, he would

definetly shoot himself.. no two things about it. Despite knowing this, i still give my 2 cents.

But with Miss.S, its a entirely different ball game. She is the best dancer i have seen in person.

She moves, glides around the dance floor with sensuasness never seen before. She seduces..

Mr.J is not a bad dancer either. Miss.S and Mr.J compliment each other very well on the dance floor.

Both enjoy it a lot. Mr & Mrs.S, they are on the dance floor, in their romantic own world. Neel, is an

equally good dancer.." A guy with whom a girl would enjoy dancing" is what i am told. As for me,

I moved a little bit around the dance floor, without managing to scare anyone. Got myself a drink

and watched Miss.S dance.. I couldnt take my eyes off her. There is a beauty to her dance that words

cant describe. I thought to myself "wish i was a good dancer".

Party over, we back home... i hit the sack and am zzzzzz in matter of minutes. Thats new to me also.

Sunday, a day to rest... have a late lunch and then put on a movie.."Take the lead". Its about dance.

There is this one dance sequence in the movie, ballroom dance mind you, that changed my thought from

last night. I no longer thought "Wish i was a good dancer"... now i was getting "I want to be a good dancer".

Like they say its just like having sex.. I didnt beleive that statement untill i saw the dance in the movie.

I saw it over and over and over...I used to think that i suck at dance, why try it anyways. I am not made for it.

"If you want to dance, you are made for it".. with that thought i decided to take the lead and learn how

to dance... I too want to have sex on the dancefloor.. if you know what i mean.

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