Saturday, April 26, 2008

Are our Lifes programmed ?

It was a sunday afternoon. It was as gloomy and dull as it could get. The rain.. wet &
icy cold. The weather guys had predicted it right. I looked out of the window.. grey
is all i could see all around.

"so.. what should i do now ?" i said to myself. TV is too boring.. had been seeing too
much of it lately, thanks to this weather. Had finished my quota of surfing the net
for the day. "What Life !!" and i began pondering over what i had said to myself.
What is Life? i thought about what i was doing about my life & what others are doing
with theirs. A few moments later... a question popped up in my mind.

"Are our Life's programmed?"

To look at life in perspective, from the time we are born till we are dead, most of us
lead a very similar life. When we are little, we are carefree, innocent & happy. We are enjoying
every moment of it. We learn how to say the first word. We learn how to speak. We are learning
hundreds things daily. We go to school, learn the ABCD's, the math, history & geopraphy of the
world. We play sports, play pranks, make trouble. Make friends !! Enter college, educate ourselves
even more, make more friends.. get funny feelings for someone of the opposite sex. We graduate, finish
our education & then what do we do? We find a job. Start working...earning money..spending money.
Make a career. We then start looking for the significant other. Marriage is there on our minds.
Then, we become parents! Raise our kids. See ourselves get old. And one day we are no more.

Somewhere in all this, there are lonely nights, parties, fights, broken hearts, love! All the ups & downs
as they call it. The essence of Life is probablity.

Life is just a fixed program with certain randomness introduced to it. This randomness in the program
makes an illusion that we all are leading totally different lifes. But are we ?

This randomness is the probablity. There is 50% chance we will do we well in our career, in our love life,
in our marriage & there is 50% chance we wont do well.

There is no opposite to life! Death.. is not the opposite of life. Death... is the opposite of birth.
Is Life just a program that takes us all from birth to death.

"Are our Life's programmed?"

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