Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Master with Broken fingers

I had absolutely no idea till recently, how many things i was taking for granted
in my day to day life as a human being. For years the fingers on my right hand have
been faithful to me... They do exactly what i tell them to do.

Holding a brush, a glass of water, piece of cloth, a spoon..i took everything for
granted. You need the fingers on your right hand, especially if you are a guy!!

But when your faithful fingers no longer are faithful.. you are suddenly transported into
a whole new world.. a world where your fingers wont do what you want them to do.

Me to my middle, ring & little finger: "You guys, i need to pick up that glass of water.
You three curl up like the others and pick it up"

They to me: "Excuse me, who the hell are you ? and why should we do what you say?"

Me shocked and surprised.

Me to them: "I am your Master. You are supposed to. You exist to follow my orders.
You have followed my orders for the past 29 years, and you shall follow them now !!"

Them to me (in chorus): "Oh yea?? Well, we've got some news for you 'buddy'. We aint gonna follow
your orders anymore. Go take a hike. This is a revolution. We will exist! We will be independent !!
Freeeeedooooomm !!!"

Me to them: "Be careful, you don't wanna mess with your Master. Take your words back, do as i say
and you shall be spared of a lot of pain."

Them to me: "Hhhhuuuuuu... we are scccaarrreeddd !!" (laughing)

Me to them: "Dont say i didnt give you a chance!"

Them to me: "Do excuse us, but we have a party to attend. Bye !"

And with that, the three of them started dancing and moving around,
"Grooving to the music" as they told me.

Me to my brain: "We have a highly volatile situation. We have a rebellion going on."
Brain to me: "So i heard. Let me see what i can do."

My brain bombarded the rebellious fingers with tens and thousands of electrical charges.
The fingers managed to fend them away.

Them to me: "Is that all you've have got, MASTER ?" (laughing)

Brain to me: "We gonna need some external help on this"

We go visit a specialist, an Orthopedic, as they call him. He has a close look at them.
Tries to move them, the fingers resist.

The Specialist looks at us and says: "This is an extreme situation. A danger to your survival."

Us to the specialist: "Can anything be done at all ???" (scared)

Specialist to us: "An extreme situation demands an extreme solution. This may not be easy on you
both, but it is needed for you to continue living the way you have been till now. Are you up for this?"

Us to specialist: "Yes we are!" ( in chorus)

Specialist to us: "They have gone rogue, am gonna have confine them. Gonna have to take away all their
freedom. Make them completely immobile. Thats the only way they gonna understand."

Us to the specialist: "And how are you gonna to that? Is it safe for us ?"

Specialist to us: "Yes, you will be in no danger. I am gonna pin them down with huge nails.
That will make them stay put. 3 weeks of confinement and it will teach them a lesson.
But just to be on the safe side, I am gonna knock you out so that you dont feel the pain"

Us to the specialist: "Lets do this!!"

Three weeks later..

Specialist to us: "Yes! Good ! They have given up the rebellion. But they are not gonna listen to you
right away. But they will turn around and soon they will listen to you. I am gonna recommend another
specialist, 'Physiotherapist', she is good at this. She will make sure they listen to you."

Us to specialist: "Thank you !! You have saved us."

We then go meet the 'physiotherapist'

She to us: "Aha, i see wat the problem is. You dont have to worry, 6 weeks with me and they will
start calling you Master again !"

Me to them: "I had warned you! Will you follow my orders now?"

Them to me: "Yes Master!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"I don't" or "I quit"

The last time i lit up one of these was 365 days back. Does it feel
good or does it feel good!! I read somewhere, A cigarette is nothing
but a roll of paper filled with poison with fire on one end and a fool on the
other. I cant agree more..This wasnt the only time i tried quitting,
i've tried a whole lot of times, like most other smokers do, and failed
miserably. The longest i had been without a smoke was 32 days, and then puff !!

1 year back..

I was at work, mid-afternoon coffee break. Took a cup of coffee and went
to the smoking zone. Pulled a smoke out of the pack, and lit it up. Drew it
in.. and then.. then something happened. I just didnt like the taste of it.
I didnt like the smell of it.. i took another drag, still the same..
"ewwwwww.. y is this tasting so bad today!!"

I thought for a moment, and stubbed it out.

"I'll have another later, may be i am thinking too much about work right now"

Finished my coffee, went back to work.

2 hours later..

Came to the smoking zone, lit one up.
"God damned!! again ???" i thought it must be a bad pack of smokes or something.
Borrowed one from my friend, lit that one up. Took a drag.. i just didnt feel
like smoking.. threw that one too.

1 hour later ...
Reached home, was in my balcony, lit up one more. One drag, threw it out.
I just couldnt take it in.. i couldnt stand the taste.. so much so, i brushed !!

Later, that night i lit up twice, both the times 1 drag and threw it away.
I wasted 5 cigarettes that day..

I am glad i did waste those 5 cigarettes, i never picked up one since !!

When i think of it today, i say i am lucky, lucky cuz i wasnt desperate for that
one drag, lucky cuz i didnt have to try quitting.. I just quit ! I didnt have to
try too hard .. and surprisingly not once in the past 365 days, have i had the
urge to smoke.. even when my friends smoked in front of me.

Passive smoke bothers me now! Would you believe it.. this is how it ended for me !

Its easy to quit smoking, I did it !

When ppl ask me "Do you smoke?"

I say:
A. I dont.
B. I quit.

A or B ?