Saturday, April 26, 2008

'Are Men Necessary?'

Feminism: 1. A doctrine that advocates equal rights for women
2. The movement aimed at equal rights for women

... the dictionary meaning of "feminism".

And why am i writing this.... well, i like to keep myself updated about this things
that are happening in the world... news.,,
and then i reached

As usual, whats going on in the US and what should be done.. Bush did this, he didnt do
this... amongst all this crap.. the article 'Are Men Necessary?' caught my eye.

"Ok".. i said to myself, "lets see what the women have to say.." and i open the article and start
reading it...

After i finished reading it... i was laughing.

In their struggle for "feminism" , as defined above, i guess women have really forgotten
what they are looking for or trying to achieve. Now i wont deny that they were/are in a
male dominated world and women really had to struggle to be recognized for who they are
and what they can do and achieve.

But as the generations go by, i think the struggle isnt that difficult as it used to be.
Men now take it in stride a women along side them, and many of them now prefer an
equal partner...

'Are Men Necessary?'

why is it that women take such steps ? I am not saying all women do this... but there
are a lot... especially the feminist groups. At times makes me smile what these women
are protesting for..

I guess the sudden freedom and independence that the women have received, has overwhelmed them.
They dont know what to do with it ! and again i would add, i do not intend to generalize this
across all women.

This article really ,made me laugh and Maureen Dowd, the author, has managed to make a fool
of herself, at least in my eyes. Now i dont know how many guys would be
laughing at this... ladies, with no disrespect meant to you.. whats ur take ??

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